Essentially the community that I created was a socialist society in which money was not the overall goal of the individual, but rather the commitment to the betterment of another's life. In all honesty it surprises me that more Christians do not have a socialist type of mentality given that the entire New Testament seems to teach that same type of taking from the rich and giving to the poor principle. One possible way that I could change the mindset of the people around me would be to perhaps guilt them into a society in which the poor should be the top priority. I could force people to pay attention to the poor, by bringing them to even the best neighborhoods. In this way they could understand the problem on a more personal level as opposed to reading about it or just watching it on T.V. The quickest way for me to create a tribe of followers would be then to take a radical stance away from the current established norm. Which socialism just happens to be. Whether people are following because they truly believe in what I am saying, or whether it creates enough buzz for people to just argue with me, it does not matter because once all eyes are on me the power has already shifted to me. From that point, there will always be a group of people who have the same type of radical mentality that I propose; therefore, the only issue comes from finding the right people. The reason that people should want to live there is that the community that I created would be self sustaining. There would not be the issue of overcrowding, and nobody would have to worry about being poor, or homeless, or starving. In the time we live in now, people are stressed with insecurity. People are afraid that at any moment everything could be taken away from them, and at any moment they could be the ones that they once made fun of and despised. The stock market crashing provided people with a shock that nothing that they have is truly of any importance because at any moment it could be taken away. With a more socialist system the safety net is a lot more helpful.
The main difficulty that I would have with getting other people to join my tribe is the past of my movement. People always associate socialism with communism, communism with Hitler or Stalin. Therefore, there is a historical bias against any type of socialist movement, though it is the truly best way to help the poor, and actually reduce crime. I believe that Karl Marx ran into this same problem. Though many of his ideas were extremely radical and idealistic, rather than practical. However, he did provide a framework to a society that could theoretically be perfect if only the egos of people did not always corrupt.
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