There are points in every individuals life that could forever change the course of their existence. The change can be either good or bad. In most cases the individual has no idea of what will come out of it. A person must just simply do what they feel right and hope for the best. Every person who has "made it", has some story of the moment when they knew that their dreams will come true, and the know the moments that decided everything. Clifford Harris (T.I.) took his destiny into his own hands, and fought his way to success.
Despite the fame and success the question remains, what are you going to do with it? In the music industry a rapper named Clifford Harris Jr, commonly known as T.I. became a world renowned rapper and "actor". In his youth he had been caught up in the life of drug dealing, running in and out of jail on a regular basis. At the age of 9 he had begun rapping. Then one day he got a break, when his great-grandfather, and executive at Artista Records signed his to a label. From there his career took off. Now he is a multimillionaire. However, two years ago his glamorous life took a turn for the ugly, when he was pulled over with a stash of illegal guns in the truck of his car. He was able to put up a 3 million dollar bail and luckily was able to get out of jail with probation and community service. Which led to a reality show called, "Road to Redemption", where he attempted to reach the lives of young children, by going into the schools and talking about his experience, and encouraging them to do the same. Though personally I could not bring myself to watch the show without a nauseating feeling, he was able to complete his community service in the allotted year. Stopping the story at this point, his life seems to have turned out for the better, and he himself seemed to have grown as a person through his experiences. However, in the summer of 2010, the rapper was pulled over again, this time with his wife and drugs in the car. So far it is unknown what will become of the rapper, but whatever it is, I do not believe he will be as lucky as last time.
The stories of success shows just how far that hard work and a little bit of luck can get you. T.I. out worked his competition to reach where he is today. However, sometimes like in the case of T.I. a person cannot seem to escape the problems of their past. Though he seemed to have everything going for him, he risked it all, for what in hindsight would seem silly. After being arrested in 2008, be sent out an album, in which he explained himself, saying that the guns were for protecting his family, but honestly that excuse was pathetic in itself. T.I. is a person that perhaps did not learn form his past experiences, or maybe it is just a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
So is he (a) a slow learner? Or (b) someone who feels the rules don't apply to him? Or (c) completely insincere when he talks to kids about not making mistakes like those he's made?